Friday, October 20, 2006

We now have a chatroom!

Ok, I just added a chatroom!!! Check it out at the bottom of the page!

Friday, June 16, 2006

We have a forum!

Check it out, we have an official Wired forum!!!!! You can just click on the link below to go to it.

View: Wired Official Forum

Mosquito Ringtone

A company in Europe came up with a high frequency (17-khz) emitting device to repel loitering teens from their shops. The Frequency is to high for most adults over 40 to hear. However, teens turned it around to create cell phone ringtones that teachers can't hear in schools. You can get the ringtone below.

Download: Mosquito Tone

Bill Gates Stepping Down

Bill Gates, Harvard drop out, has announced that he will be stepping down from his current position at Microsoft to focus more on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. This announcement is coming two years in advance of him actually leaving his position. He says it will give Microsoft time to prepare for his absence.

View: USA Today

We Want To Hear From You!

We want to know what music you would like to hear as the weekly song. Let us know and you may hear it on here. Remember our content is based on what you want, so be sure to give us plenty of feedback. Thanks everyone!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

iPod Bigger Than Beer

For the first time, Apples iconic iPod has surpassed beer as the most "in" thing in college. 73 percent of 1,200 students surveyed said iPods were "in" -- more than any other item in a list that also included text messaging, bar hopping and downloading music. Last year it was only 59 percent. Much lower than beer.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

Check out my desktop

Alright check out my new desktop! Send me an email ( if you would like a copy of the original picture.